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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Confession...

He is a better man than I, well I know I am not a man, but he is a better person than I am. He is a better parent, he has endless patience, loves everything about it. He has never complained about changing a diaper, getting up in the middle of the night, and is the first one to want to run them to the emergency for a scratch. He is a nurturer, a protector, a soft place to land. He has tea parties, lets them pick out their own outfits and accessories, even was practicing how to put in pony tails. He comes home from a 12 hour day to take them for a walk or to the school to ride their scooters. I get caught up in the day, I lose my patience, I wish for time alone, I want their clothes to match. He is a better driver. (I will delete this when he wakes up) He is more patient with other drivers. I have a small road rage problem. He makes friends everywhere, I do not make friends easily. He is outgoing and gregarious, I am quiet and hard to know. He will take the shirt off of his back for anyone. He is kind and forgiving. I hold grudges. He is a better person than I am. He is my other half, my better half.

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