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Saturday, July 11, 2009

I got the call....

I got the call this morning that he will be transferred to Redding at 11 am. This was mixed news for me this morning. Of course I am glad that he is able to move and stable. I am glad to know that he will be in a more stimulating and therapeutic environment. But the girls are sick. I was down for the count all day Thursday. Luckily has started my antibiotics on Wednesday night, and was able to shake most of it by yesterday. The girls danced around me as I lay on the couch, ever their captive audience. Yesterday afternoon I decided to go and see him, I took the girls to KP and went to the hospital, masked up and spent some time just watching him rest. A little later KP called and told me both girls were running a low fever. I raced off to pick them up and it seems I have passed whatever I picked up to them. They are both in good spirits, and H has told me that she knows that it was an accident that I gave them my germs and they are not mad at me. I bundled them up in my bed to watch as I packed up things for our pilgrimage north. H then out of the blue said "Mommy I saw Daddy last night." I stopped what I was doing and looked at her, and asked what she meant. She told me that Daddy tiptoed into her dream to tell her that he missed us and loves us and was sorry he was sleeping so long. She said he told her that he was so proud of her for being my big helper right now and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I looked at this amazing creature, and told her that I was proud of her too. That I was glad she left her dreams open for Daddy, I am sure it makes him happy to be able to talk to her. "And a little child shall lead them." I will follow her.


  1. I know Eric from Fit One, where I would get to visit with him most every morning. It was always fun to hear the tales of his experiences with his job, I respect him and more importantly...he is a great guy. I visited Eric this past week for about a minute, not wanting to interfere with family and the nurses....and he was awake and now we just wait for the recovery. Your writings on this blog are amazing....
    with respect and prayers, Rob

  2. I don't know you, but I work with Eric at the SO. Eric always brightens up my day...he's just so fun. Almost every time we would speak, the conversation would lead to his girls, his smile would widen...taking up his whole face and those green eyes you so often speak about would sparkle. He loves you all so very much and it it is evident every time he spoke of you...just as it is evident from every blog you post how much you love and cherish him. I will continue to pray for each of you as you travel this journey together. Karen Williams

