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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday Morning....and status quo....

It is Sunday morning and not much has changed. His body continues to be stable and we continue to pray that he will wake soon. The longer he is unconcious the more worrisome and uncertain the future. We have faith that his strength of will is doing everything it can to mend his body right now. His presence is so huge that it is hard to fill those gaps while he sleeps. The girls make it easier, and we have been having lots of quiet cuddle time. Emerson woke up this morning and announced to me "my Daddy is so silly!" I told her she was right, he is a very silly daddy. I will admit that the tension of the days is starting to weigh on me, and I am getting more rest than actual sleep. The girls are keeping largly to their schedule and that is keeping them constant. I am getting ready to go to see him again soon, and am looking forward to our quiet time. The warm feeling of his chest rising and falling under my cheek. There is comfort there. Comfort in knowing that I trust him, as I always have. Trust him to do what is best for our family. Trust and Faith.......those are powerful medicine.

