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Saturday, June 27, 2009

A note to the department....a note about the department...

First I want to say to the department.....We know how much you care about Eric. We know that Eric spends as much or more time with his family at work as he does at home, and he would not have it any other way. Everyone knows that he loves his job, but really it is not just the job, or not really "the job" it is the way you come together in the most terrible of times and the best of times. He loves not only what he does but who he does it with every single day. I have so many friends who ask me all the time if I worry about him when he goes to work, and I can honestly say that I do not. I never have. I have always trusted that he would do whatever it took to come home. We have appreciated all of your support. The support to him and the support to us. I have read and continue to read all of your messages to the gmail account, some people I know, some I know only by name, and some of you I do not know at all. From all of them it is clear that you know and love Eric as we do. Not only myself and the girls, but the rest of the family as well, have appreciated your quiet presence. The palpable feeling of your support and your own grief. We have also appreciated hearing your Eric stories, and being able to share with you the stories that Eric tells of you. Thank you so much. I am sure in the days and weeks to follow we will need the help you have all offered.

Now a note about the department for those of you who have not had the privilage of seeing their support. It is an amazing group of people. Something Eric is very proud to be a part of. I want all of you who know us but who are not familiar with the department to understand how close they all are, so when you see them, you know they are all in this with us. I know it is easy to see a uniform and not think about the people who are behind it. When I got to the hospital that morning, people had already been enroute to my house to get me and the children so we would not be alone. When I got there, there were people on each floor, not only from his own department but from other local agencies as well. There has been someone there every day just to sit with us, to check if we need anything. They have gotten together and handled Eric's benefits and insurance so we do not have to deal with it. They have set up a special e-mail address so they can send us messages without being intrusive. They have offered us emotional, physical and financial support. In essence they have been dilligent but always respectful. Right now I could not be more protected and watched over.

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