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Sunday, June 28, 2009

A little bit about Eric....

Anyone who knows him, knows he will drive you crazy. Knows that I had to send him to work just to give someone else an opportunity to try to supervise him. And anyone that knows him also knows that he is a great guy, a friend to everyone. I know those that work with him know that he loves his job and the thrill of the next game. And those that know him away from work, know how much he loves to play, how he puts as much into that as he does his work. I know that for many years after he went to work in law enforcement, I had the hardest time imagining him getting into a physical altercation with anyone. I know that many times I have told him I do not know HOW he does his job, when he tries to guess the names of celebrities in a movie we are watching, or standing there talking to someone for 20 minutes, only to introduce me to them and find out it was not the person he thought it was. In 20 years, we have been ticked off with each other plenty, but in all those years, in all that time, he has never yelled at me, ever. He has never called me a name in anger or jest, has never commented on my weight, never said anything to me to make me feel badly about myself. He compliements my appearance, my housekeeping, my cooking, and my mothering. He has taught our children to laugh, play and have fun. He laughs with his whole body, he smiles with his whole face. He has more energy than 10 people. He lives big, he loves big.

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