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Friday, August 7, 2009


He moved yesterday to the transitional care unit downstairs. What does that mean? It means his body has stabilized. His heart is stable, he is breathing completely on his own (hopefully the trach out next week). He doesn't need to be watched over so carefully. He doesn't need to be hooked up to monitors and Iv's. He needs therapy. He needs to respond to his therapy. This is the best opportunity for him. He is close to the gym and therapy room. They get him up several times a day and try new things with him each day. They even take him to the dining room when he has his milkshake. He is doing better with his sleep schedule. He is more alert in the day. These are all good things. Baby steps. Each day comes so quickly, it is amazing that another week is almost over. The girls start school the week after next. H in kindergarten and E in preschool. We are getting ready, backpacks have been chosen. Disney princesses for H and Dora for E. It is a time of transition for all of us. New schedules, environments and expectations. Transition. Tran-si-tion: 1. passage from one place, form, state or style to another. 2. Change.

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