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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We got home last night to the crisp clean smell of fall. It was cool, and we could feel the acorns crunching under our feet as we unloaded the car. The leaves are turning, and fluttering from the trees, but they are not on my roof or in my gutters. They are not on the front porch or the back deck. They are filling that dumpster in the front yard. 40 yards full of leaves, all gathered and loaded by a wonderful group of people. I don't even know exactly who they were. I know a few, but the rest I do not. They repaired the roof on my pumphouse, cleared a path for me to get to it easily. They pruned the trees, blew the leaves off of my roof and gutters, and cleared over 40 yards of leaves. But the best thing in the eyes of my two little girls, were the two fat, round pumpkins left on the front porch. They were so excited to see them, they ran up and patted them, moved them around, and decided which one belonged to which girl. We came in the house, and they wanted to decorate for Halloween. They layered leaves on the buffet, and made trailing paths of candy corn. They drew pictures of pumpkins and leaves and hung them on the fridge. H said "Mommy, it was so nice of Daddy's friends to bring us pumpkins!" Yes it was. Thank you. You made one big girl and two little girls smile today, and that is no small thing.

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