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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Just another day of the week..

The Monday we left was my birthday. It was just another day of the week. Another day without him, another day I missed him. I chose that day to fly down to San Diego with the girls because I knew that we would be alone and no one would make a big deal about it. I did not want to celebrate. We drove down to Sacramento and S took us to the airport. It was a day like any other day. Just another day of the week. I never thought I would be here in these shoes. I never thought I would be here alone, approaching 40 with two small children to raise. I never thought they would be essentially fatherless at the tender ages of 5 and 3. It has been six months, half a year, and it has not gotten any easier. We left Sacramento and flew down to San Diego, and A met us at the airport. It was an unremarkable day, and an unremarkable flight. The girls enjoyed the adventure and it kept all of our minds and hands busy. It was good to be away. It was good to be where there were no demands or expectations. It was good to be where we did not have a history and everything was new. It was quite simply, much needed.

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