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Friday, November 13, 2009

With baited breath.....

I was sitting at the table with friends yesterday when I got the message. I heard the familiar bleep of my phone letting me know that I have e-mail. It has been my trusty companion for the last 4 months, never far from my side. I saw the familiar name and held my breath. I could feel my stomach sink, and my fingers shake as I scrolled down the screen. It was one sentence. One very powerful sentence. When I read it, I felt my shoulders slump. I felt a warm rush of relief flow through my body. The enormous weight had been lifted. "Work Comp has accepted the claim" That statement changed everything. The last two weeks have been some of the most stressful of my life, perhaps even more stressful than those first days. You see yesterday was his last day of hospitalization coverage under his health insurance. As of this morning the hospital was going to start billing me $800.00 per day for his care. I was under the gun. I have made every phone call I could think of. I was in daily communication with my attorney, but time was running out.We filed the claim the first week this happened. It took this long. They took it all. I understand it is big for them, the money is a concern, but I also know that I was already in the most difficult situation of my life and they made it harder. They drug it out, they caused me more pain and stress. They took my time and energy. Things that I could have used for my children and husband. They made me jump through hoops and expend energy that could have been better used. I am angry about that. I will allow myself some today to be angry about that. Then I will pick up and move forward. I am a planner. Type A to the T, and this entire situation has effectively booted me out of my comfort zone and left me at the mercy of others and the system. My stomach has been in knots, my sleep has been almost non existent. I have been tired, distracted, and just plain worn out. Thankfully S took the girls for me these last two days, as I watched my stress level reach an all time high. There are moments that I actually felt removed from my body, like I was watching someone else's life from a distance. What does this mean? It is peace of mind. His medical care is covered. No matter what happens with the rest of it, his care is covered. That is huge, that is everything. We have a long road ahead. So much ground to gain, but the path is now paved. One less thing that I have to worry about. One really big thing. Now we can get back to business at hand. We can get back to the important stuff, the part that my girls will remember. We can get back to their daddy, to helping him heal.

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