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Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I think I must have been a serial killer in a previous life. It is the only thing that I can think of. Who else has this kind of luck? We have run into a snafu. So after months of dragging their feet, failing to respond, and throwing wrenches into my carefully laid plans, WC finally gets proactive and tells the hospital to start making plans for his transfer. So the hospital calls Kentfield and tries to start the paperwork, and Kentfield tells them he is not eligible to be admitted at this time. I went through this the first time, when I originally made the plans back in October to have him moved. I called the head of the department and spoke to the CFO to get the facts. At that time, they told me that they could not admit him with WC pending, they had to have written guarantee of payment. Today, after I got that news I got back on the phone over there and started the process of untangling this mess to see what the status really is. It is probably going to take a few days to shake it all out and see what we are left with. Of course. The icing on the cake of course is that WC, the same people who have drug this whole thing out for months, heard that Kentfield said he was not eligible and immediately responded with " Oh, we heard he can't get in, so can we start making arrangements to transfer him to our choice in facility" Yeah. Right. Not even close. Tomorrow I will be fielding phone calls in between school valentine celebrating. One more day in the life. One more thing. Another wrench. Another snafu...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am so sorry! I really hope everything works out and they start thinking what if this was their loved one. I will be praying for you guys

