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Monday, February 8, 2010


It is Christmas? No. My birthday? Nope.Did I win the Lottery? Nada. What could be better than that? The phone call I got today! They have agreed to send him to Kentfield!!!!!! The full evaluation process at Kentfield is 8 weeks for the Coma Stim program. They have only authorized 2 weeks, but that is 2 weeks more that we had last week! They agreed to move forward and initiate the process. What does this mean? Paperwork will be shuffling back and forth between the hospital where he is and the doctors at Kentfield. Kentfield will send a representative to meet and evaluate his needs, and they will go back to Kentfield and prepare for his move. They will then organize transport with the hospital where he is, and he will be on his way. We will go over with him, see him settled. And we will wait. We will wait and see what they can tell us. They will try to give us a better idea of where he is and what we can expect. Keep your fingers crossed. This is it. His big shot. If he has something to tell us, this is where they will help him find his voice. If he does not, then we need to know that too. The end of limbo. Purgatory. Answers. Questions. Relief. Expectations. Peace. Information. Rest. Finally.


  1. Thoughts, prayers and my best wishes are with all of you. I pray you get the answers you seek and if not then the strength to abide with what you find out. Eric is so very blessed to have you in his corner...and you are so blessed to have him.

  2. Yes! Your strength and determination has prevailed! I truly believe that same strength and determination is in Eric. Finally you can rest for a moment & gear up for the next road on this journey...

  3. All my prayers are with you and your family. Best wishes

