K & C came to me with this idea. I thought it was a great one. We will set up a "Camp Eric" in the parking lot. I hope that you will consider joining us. "I" am even going to participate. I will do the run (walk) part of a relay team with the girls. Now that I have thrown my hat over the fence by mentioning it here, I can't back out, and I hope many of you will consider joining us. Thank you K & C for a great way to honor him!
As long-time family friends of Eric, we have chosen to celebrate and honor him in a way we think he will appreciate, a triathlon! Always up for a new challenge and adventure, Eric participated in multiple 5K runs and triathlons. As you can see from the pictures on this blog, Eric shared his love of the outdoors as well as that of a challenge with his daughters. He recently took them on a 5k run by pushing them along in a stroller. We would like to invite you to join us as we celebrate Eric’s adventurous spirit and his September birthday by participating in the Tinman Triathlon in Mount Shasta on Sunday, September 6, 2009. This is a fun, family event for novices and experienced alike.
We are organizing a group of interested triathlon participants. Don’t be put off by the challenge; many of us will be doing this for the first time! Groups will be of mixed experience, age and fitness levels. So, if you are interested in putting together a team, joining a team or competing solo, please contact Kelly Mora at (530)824-1111 or skmora@netzero.com. The triathlon consists of the following: Swim- 740 yards in Lake Siskiyou, Bike- 10 miles of paved roads, Run- 4.5 miles of gravel and paved roads. You can find event and registration information at the following link: http://www.dunsmuirrotary.org/Dunsmuir_Rotary/Tinman.htmlJoin Eric’s family and friends (Lesley, Hayley, and Emerson will be participating in the run!) as we share a day in his honor.
We are organizing a group of interested triathlon participants. Don’t be put off by the challenge; many of us will be doing this for the first time! Groups will be of mixed experience, age and fitness levels. So, if you are interested in putting together a team, joining a team or competing solo, please contact Kelly Mora at (530)824-1111 or skmora@netzero.com. The triathlon consists of the following: Swim- 740 yards in Lake Siskiyou, Bike- 10 miles of paved roads, Run- 4.5 miles of gravel and paved roads. You can find event and registration information at the following link: http://www.dunsmuirrotary.org/Dunsmuir_Rotary/Tinman.htmlJoin Eric’s family and friends (Lesley, Hayley, and Emerson will be participating in the run!) as we share a day in his honor.
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