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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

He drives me crazy...

Recently I wrote a post called "my confession". I had many people write to me thinking I was being down on myself, that was not my intention. I was trying to show that where I fail, he rises, where I have my weakest points, he has his strongest points. When I fall down, he picks me up. He balances me. That said, I did not think that I could go on any longer with out saying this...."He drives me crazy!" A long time friend of ours recently sent me this message "This Eric fella sounds like a tremendous person. I must have logged onto the wrong blog. My Eric loved to torture my cats, water ski on Lake Shasta in February, see how many oranges he could fit in his mouth at one time, eat a whole ball of wasbi...because he can, enjoys a good brandy, and soooo many other finer things in life. " It made me smile, because all those things are true of him also. He also has no sense of time. Cannot remember people's names. Tries to guess the names of actors in movies, almost always incorrectly. He avoids yard work like the plague. He cannot cook, not even BBQ. In 20 years he has cooked for me less than the fingers on one hand. One time it was boxed Mac & Cheese. He didn't follow the directions, just (over) boiled the noodles, and added water to the cheese until it made a horrible paste. He also thinks frozen vegetables, top ramen and ketchup makes an acceptable main course. On the reverse, he is always happy to be fed, has never once complained about my cooking. Is just happy that someone made him a meal and he did not have to do it himself. Because of that, dinner is always waiting for him. Even when I am gone, it is always ready. But I digress. He has a terrible habit of losing or breaking electronics. He is on his third blue tooth this year. He leaves his dirty socks on the back of the couch. He forgets to call when he is running late. He forgets to take out the garbage, his only household chore. He doesn't pay a bill or balance the checkbook, ever. He loves a good dare. He loves an adventure. Yes he drives me crazy, but he still is the best man I know. I wouldn't trade him for the world.

1 comment:

  1. Your stories make me shed a tear, not only for the wonderful insight into Eric (as many of us only know his professional side) but also for the insight that it give us about our own relationships and how we take the simple things for granted. Thank you for reminding us all of that - and I hope you know that he secretly appreciated all the things you did for him in health and is utterly grateful for your presence and persistence in sickness. I think I speak for everyone following his condition in saying he wouldn't trade you for anything in the world either. I hope you know that. He ADORES you - it came through in every word he spoke of you.

