Thank you to everyone who has already purchased tickets to the BBQ, and everyone else that plans to attend. The response I understand has been incredible. K called today to check on the details (as K does) and found out close to 800 tickets have already been sold. I was completely amazed. I really had no idea. She also found out that tickets WILL NOT be sold at the door. They are only purchasing enough food for the tickets sold prior to the event. I do not want anyone to feel obligated to come, I just wanted to let you know as several people from out of town have expressed an interest in coming, and I do not want anyone to travel there only to have no lunch. (For those of you that are not aware, if you click on the flyer at the left it will enlarge for you to be able to read the entire thing) When K called today she was told there had been some amazing things donated for the silent auction including a week at a Costa Rican Villa, and a helicopter ride. He would love both of those things himself. How fitting. How amazing. Thank you all so much for celebrating him and honoring him. I will be attending the BBQ with both of the girls. I look forward to being the presence of so many that think so highly of him. I think it will be wonderful for them to see again how large their family is, how many people care about their dad, about them. Thank you all for making that possible.
My wife and I have been friends of Chris'(Bernard) for years, we just heard of this misfortune today(Sept.25th), since we haven't been in to the drugstore lately. We will most ceratinly keep Eric in our prayers as well as your entire family. God willing he will recover completely with time.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes, Alan & Margaret Piombo