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Saturday, August 1, 2009


It has been a rough couple of days. He had a rough couple of days. He is doing better now. He was having some trouble with his "milkshake". It was not agreeing with him. Since he can't tell us right now what is bothering him, it took us a couple of days to figure out what it was. He is finally resting more comfortably now. It is always difficult to see someone you love in distress. It is hard to watch the pain wash over their face and be powerless to stop it, much less even identify it. And it is an immense relief when it subsides. I spent almost three hours, alternately trying to comfort him, and trying to find the source of the pain. He seems so much better now. He celebrated his relief with a nap, and I took advantage of the time to shave him. He is sporting a nice goatee now, he will be worried when he wakes up, as his uniform code requires no facial hair below the corners of his mouth. I think he will forgive me. The rest of the afternoon was quiet, but reassuringly so. He napped and I just watched the calm wash over his face. K popped in for a visit and tried to tease him, he seemed to watch her for a time, but after she left he went back to napping. I let him rest until it was time for me to head back home. I grabbed the girls and we made it home for baths and bedtime. They were very excited after a busy day of water fun. Our friend S has come to stay with us for a few days, and the girls are so excited to have her to themselves. They have planned picnics and tea parties, and I have planned yard work and a few fix it projects. It is good to be home. Good to sleep in my own bed tonight. I have his pillow next to me, it's case still unchanged. It smells like him, it smells like home. I will sleep well tonight.....

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