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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A beautiful day in the park....

We had a beautiful day in the park today. There was a BBQ, music, people laughing and enjoying a good meal. There were carefree children (mine included) racing around the grass, collecting feathers and other small treasures. Family and friends were in abudance. It was a like a large family reunion, the kind where you feel at home, and the hours pass quickly and you share stories and rememberances. The kind where there are so many people that you know, you go away feeling like you just didn't get a chance to visit with all of them. A beautiful day in the park. Of course there was one important person missing. The one that I often hear laughing in the distance, or can spot across a crowded room as he usually has an audience around him for one of his stories. While I could not see him there, except in the wonderful aray of photos spread across the tables, I could feel him. I could feel his warmth in all of the people that I saw. I felt his joy, and his life in all of the people and the stories about him that were relayed to me. The girls felt safe and free to run and play in the presence of all these people who care so much for their daddy, so much for them. They were very happy to be able to go to "the get well party" for their daddy. I appreciate everything. The shirts, the food, the dontations, the auction, the people, the support, but most of all I appreciate the gift of the day. The sharing of of yourselves with us. The sharing of him with us. I am not a person who does well in crowds, a bit of a hermit I am told. You all made it easy for me. I appreciate that. The quiet support, thank you for all of the familiar faces. Thank you to those that I did not know, for introducing yourselves. Their was so much care and attention in the details, we really felt it all. The pictures. The flowers, the guest book, the copy of this blog. It was .............a beautiful day in the park. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Leslie and Family,
    It was our thank you to you for sharing Eric with us every day of your life. The tears and hugs continued the next day as we shared our stories of the beautiful day. Please know that Eric will always be in our hearts.
    God Bless,
    Linda - BCSO

