I can't believe our baby is 4 years old. This is the second birthday of hers he has missed. He has been away for a quarter of her young life, and the percentage just keeps growing. It is so hard to look at her and think that she might not remember first hand how much her daddy loves her. She will have pictures and videos and all of our memories, but I do not know if she will ever see his head thrown back in laughter and his belly shaking with delight. I don't know if she will ever see pure joy on his face as he catches sight of one of his girls. It is a hard thing to grapple with. From the time they were small I told them that I had picked the best daddy in the world for them. It is true, and so unfair that they are not getting this time with him. She had a great day, our little E. She is a funny little girl, who is mostly content to go with the flow. She was so excited to be celebrated and to have everyone there for her. She was lovely and gracious, and thankful. She was a delight to watch. H&C let us use their lovely yard and pool and we had family and friends come for summer fun. S bbq'd hot dogs, K made her the most amazing ladybug cake, K,C&A made all kinds of ladybug food and decor. It was a great day. They were just kids, running, swimming, playing, it was a great thing to watch.....But he was missed.
love the second picture! glad it was a great party :)