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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sick, Sick and Tired, and Sick.....

The girls have been sick this week. The school called on Wed. that H was in the office not feeling well. That morning she had been quiet, and I asked her if she was feeling alright. No fever and she said fine, so I took her word for it and dropped her at school. I was attributing the quiet to her recent experimenting with sullenness. But alas no, by 2pm she had spiked a low fever and was in the office. Luckily this time I was running errands in town, and was able to run over and get her quickly. We came home and she spent the next two days parked on the couch. Medium fever, not much interested in eating, but taking plenty of fluids. Even when she is sick, that kid is a trooper. E came up with a lower and milder version of sisters symptoms that evening, so we settled in to wait it out. They were great. Lots of movies, snuggling, stories and Popsicles. The first night I ended up with H in my bed after she woke up with a nightmare about skeletons. The second night, E came toddling in at 3 am, upset about something, but between her Elmer Fudd annunciation and my foggy 3am brain, I never could quite grasp what the problem was. She went right back off to sleep, so it wasn't too traumatic. By the third night, blissfully they stayed in their own beds for the whole night. I have been fighting my annual allergies, but have remained holding the upper hand. MAC came up last night, and spent the night, swooping the girls off this morning, giving me a little bit of time to myself to sweep up the remains of the week. I am glad they are feeling better, and they are. You could tell of course by squabbling that has started again. This year has been the most any of us have ever been sick. Sick, sick, sick and tired.

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