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Friday, October 2, 2009

The Gift...

I was home alone this afternoon when it was delivered. It is not your usual sort of gift. Perhaps some people might not call it a gift, but I do. Then again, I have always been more the "paint my house" kind of girl, rather than the candy and flowers kind of girl. It is sitting in the yard in front of my house tonight, huge, bigger than my truck. Actually it is only part of the gift. The rest is coming tomorrow when I am not home. What is it? Bigger than a bread box.......Smaller than my house, that is alot of ground to is .......a dumpster.....a 40yd dumpster to be precise. I imagine that not everyone would be this excited to have a huge garbage can sitting in their front yard, but I am. The other part of the gift arrives tomorrow. While I am visiting with him, and talking about our week, the girls will be visiting the pumpkin patch with their aunties, and here at the house something wonderful will be happening. A group of amazing people have volunteered to spend their day off, helping me get ready for winter. They are coming to clear the brush to the pump house, and dig me out of the huge piles of leaves I feel buried in. It is a daunting task for one person to look out at and even know where to start. A clean slate. A fresh start. It will be nice to come home and not have the weight of all that I have to do looming at me the second I pull in the driveway. I so appreciate this. The gift of all of these people's time, efforts and energy. Amazing. I cannot wait to tell him about it tomorrow, I know he will be proud, and humbled. This one ranks up there as one of the best gifts I have ever received. I can only think of one thing that I would like more, hopefully he is working on that one......

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