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Monday, September 21, 2009


It has been another whirlwind weekend. We stayed with R & D again and children had the time of their lives. They had the most wonderful carefree weekend. They played outside , swam in the pool, went to the movies, and just good kid fun. My parents also came to see him this weekend. We had him and the kids and R&D all out in the park. He had some candy in his hands when the kids came, and that is the perfect ice breaker. They take it from him, and thank him, and dance around excited. They show it to him and run and play while calling out for us to watch him. E is getting more comfortable now, and will run and hug his arm. It is still H that I worry about. She is so smart, so contemplative. I see her smile and laugh and run with the other kids, but I also see the longing in her eyes, and the sadness that slumps her shoulders as she leans against him. She likes to sit on his lap and lay her head against his chest, pulling his arm around her little body. She closes her eyes and presses her cheek against the warmth of him. I am so proud of her, yet it rips my guts out to watch her, learning a strength and fortitude that no one her age should have to. This child sits there on the the lap of the man who loves her more than anyone else in this world. The man who has cherished her from the second he saw her, and I do not know if she will ever feel the strength of his arms tighten around her again. I do not know if he is hearing her sweet words, or fighting his way back to us. But in that quiet moment when her eyes are closed, I know that her heart is speaking to him. I just hope he is listening.

1 comment:

  1. That is beautiful Leslie. She may be thrown different obstacles in life where her strength will have to be stronger than she should have to bare but this will mold her into a wonderful woman one day. For this she will never take for granted the wonderful times she has with her daddy and will cherish them instead. Keeping your family in my prayers still.
    God speed

